I might have to get an abortion
For reference I’m 27(f) who is 13 weeks pregnant & living with my father. I work part time because I’m also in esthetician school. My boyfriend 29(m) is homeless/ stays with his grandma with no car but has just gotten a new job.
We had gotten into a really big fight the other night. I was informing him that my graduation date got pushed back to 3 weeks & he asked if I had been doing my homework because I’m falling behind. & I was trying to explain to him that I will get it done before graduation , it’ll be fine. I was also telling him that I’m pregnant, I go to work everyday I’m not at school which leaves me with 0 days off to myself. I have something to do 7 days a week. He told me that he doesn’t care , it’s not excuse & that he’s seen other pregnant women do more than what I’m doing right now. I needed to suck it up because I knew what I signed up for. Which that felt invaliding . Yeah I signed up for this but does that mean I can’t express how tough it is?
Things blew up from there. It turned into just complaints we had about each other. He said he’s just trying to guide me in the right direction. I told him that he had no means to get on me about my schoolwork when he doesn’t even have a drivers license, place to stay or a car. “How are you going to lead/guide someone when your don’t even have your own shit together?” was my thought process. He took it as me just attacking him for everything he doesn’t have.
Things got even more escalated after that. We had gotten to a point where we were having screaming matches at each other. He was throwing shot after shot & I was trying to defend myself. It gotten so bad that I was telling him that I don’t want to be in a relationship anymore & he gave me the ultimatum that I either stay with him and try to work things out for our kid but if I want to leave him, I have to get an abortion. He made it very clear that if I decide to have this baby without being in a relationship with him, I will be 100% a solo parent. He doesn’t want to be apart of the babies life at all if we are not in a relationship.
Now I’m having doubts, if I stay in this relationship & have the baby , will he get up and leave 5 years down the line if we decide this relationship is not working ? My poor baby’s dad will just be gone all of a sudden.
The arguments gotten so bad that my parents know of the situation. They are telling me my relationship is toxic & that I don’t want to be connected to a man like this for the next 18-20 years. They are telling me my baby has no brain activity & that abortion is the right decision here. This is the hardest thing I’ve even had to process because I live with my parents. I feel like I have to do what they say because they have my best intentions but I can’t pretend like this doesn’t feel right. I have womb trauma from rape & past miscarriages which makes this even harder. This is the furthest along I’ve ever been in a pregnancy & the fact that I’m going to have to give my baby up due to this situation is breaking my heart 💔