Failed my 1-hour glucose test. I’m devastated and crying

Edit: I didn’t expect so many replies! Reading everyone’s stories of GD or not passing made me feel more calm. It gave me the feeling that it’s common to not pass the first test (my doctor said this too) and that even if I do have it, it’s not the end of the world. I went to the OB today and got the request for the 3 hour test — she said 149 isn’t horrible and that I’ll most likely pass, but if I didn’t, it’s not a huge deal. Going this Saturday, so fingers crossed!!

I feel like crap. I’m 26w+5 and just got my results back from the lab. I scored 149 for the cutoff of 135.

I don’t think I eat crappy foods, and I walk 2-3 miles at work daily. I’ve had HG so exercising consistently isn’t something I’ve been able to do, because every symptom you can think of for pregnancy, I’ve gotten it (probably.)

My first reaction was to tell my (anesthesiologist) brother and instead of supporting me, he began shaming me for my eating habits and exercise and started telling me all of the possible complications. I feel shitty because every time I’ve ever brought up something health related, he always assumes I eat like shit and that I don’t exercise at all.

I’m just in tears. I don’t want GD, HG was a lot as is :( I just need support