Prolapse uterus
Possible TMI/TW Just wondering if anyone has experience with prolapsed uterine wall?
I’ve had 3 natural births and my last (7 yrs ago) I had mild prolapsed uterine wall due to only 14 months between births. I had 2 babies in 14 months.
Now I’m pregnant and due in September, is this going to cause more damage? Or more of a prolapse? Obviously I’ll talk to my Dr about it but my appointment isn’t until mid March so I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before and what your experience was. Did you need correction surgery? My husband hasn’t noticed it in the slightest. However last night when doing the deed, there seemed to be a “block” when he tried to penetrate. Would this be due to my uterus swelling due to pregnancy (12 weeks) and possibly blocking the entrance?
I guess my questions around this are - 1. Did it worsen with another pregnancy? 2. Were you able to have a natural birth? 3. Did you need corrective surgery? 4. Could this cause a block of entry during sex?