Everyone has a fucking opinion

What the actual fuck is up with everyone having a fucking opinion on my weight. In the last 4 days, I've had 3 people comment on it 5 times. I was already really struggling with staying in recovery with my ed (been well centered in recovery for about 1.5 years, worked incredibly hard for it and am very proud of myself), the fact my clothes dont fit has been the biggest trigger for me.

Since Sunday, everyone has decided they get a fucking opinion and a say on my weight. I'm almost 23 weeks, haven't gained pretty much anything aside from baby bump. I definitely have a bump, she's just really low, pretty much between my hips and only there lol. But it's not super noticeable unless I dont have pants on, or have tight leggings.

The only fucking thing I've heard is "wow, you're still so small!" "Oh, just a tiny bump!" And "are you eating enough?" "You know you have to eat a lot more to feed that baby, right?" "You really aren't eating enough, are you?"

How about you shut the fuck up, actually. But because you're fucking incapable of doing so, thank you for the spiralling I've been doing since Sunday, for making me feel like I'm failing as a mother because you think I'm not feeding my baby good enough, and for shoving me right back into the hole I spent almost 6 years crawling out of.

No, I'm not eating as much as I'd like right now, but the house is hostile and I'm not leaving my room unless absolutely fucking necessary. (Husband and I are moving asap). Trust me, if I had the ability to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, I'd be eating a hell of a lot more. Unfortunately that isn't the case right now.

Secondly, I've never been a higher weight than I currently am. This pregnancy and weight gain has stressed me the fuck out and I do not need constant fucking reminders that I'm gaining weight. The consistent checking of said weight has been a trigger as well cause I used to obsess over it. My doctor hasn't mentioned anything about me not gaining enough so everyone can shut the actual fuck up. Please.

I am so tired of everyone thinking that just because I'm pregnant means I'm public property and they can say whatever the fuck they want without any repercussions.

This got longer than I planned for, sorry lol