One thing I noticed since pregnancy..

I noticed one major thing ever since finding out I'm pregnant and Idk where else to talk about it. But. Everybody fucking smokes. Everywhere. I've never been a big fan of cigarettes pre-pregancy, I had some cigarettes at parties but mostly for a reason to stand outside with smokers. I usually got mildly irritated when people just put on their cigarettes next to me on a train station or something but since I've been pregnant it just spiraled into such an annoyance. I live in Germany, there's smoker areas in a lot of places and yet everytime I walk in puplic I get hit with a wave of smoke into my face. And it's sooo irritating. Busstops, trainstations, open streets, infront of the bakery. People just put their cigarettes on right next to you and it makes me so angry. Even if I wasn't pregnant, I've come to realize just how little it matters in society that you're actively harming everyone around you when you put on that hella normalized drug. At least with alcohol you're only harming your own body when consuming it.