Chemical pregnancy a month ago, period is 4 days late..
I had what I’m pretty sure was a chemical pregnancy about a month ago, it really felt like a normal period but I had a positive test before-hand and I haven’t gone to the doctor for it. Me and my partner haven’t been super safe about not conceiving again, and I’m having what feels like possible pregnancy symptom’s, but Ik it could also be PMSing, however they feel a little more intense, so I was wondering if anyone has experienced this, or knows if it’s normal to have more intense pms symptom’s for the next pregnancy after a chemical. Here’s a description of my symptoms currently:
Very very very sore breasts, also seem bigger and firmer as well, my nipples are definitely very sensitive.
Extreme fatigue, adhd meds don’t feel like they’re working correctly / extreme lack of motivation
Even though I’m exhausted all day I feel like I’m having insomnia
Nerve and neck pain/ muscle aches (none are extreme at all but annoying for sure.
I’ve taken a lot of tests and they’ve all been negative however, I think I would only be 3-4 week right now if I am, however last time i tested positive at what would have been 3 weeks