Light spotting early pregnancy

Just wondering if any other women have had any spotting during week 5?

I have had super light cream/tan coloured discharge since week 4+5. I think I can pass that off at Leukorrhea. Although on Dec 27 I had one instance of red spotting. I wiped once and it was about a toonie size stain on toilet paper of light red blood. No clots though and no cramps. Everything went immediately back to normal. And then 2 days later it happened again. Again very minimal but it was red and then immediately back to normal. I have no cramps other than a few cervix twinges but I heard that was normal.

My boobs have gotten increasing sore since then and nausea began a couple days later. I took a clear blue test when I was 5weeks 2 days and it came back as 5weeks+ so my HCG should be normal. I have also been taking pregnancy strips and the lines have not decreased at all. They are all still much darker than the control line.

I’m not anxious about this but I’m just wondering how many other women have had light spotting and if I should expect it to return?