Slightly irregular gestational sac with small perigestational haematoma

I’m looking for some reassurance about what my doctor mentioned to me after my dating ultrasound a few days ago.

For context, I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks and 2 days about 4 months ago due to a chromosomal abnormality so my general pregnancy anxiety is through the roof.

I had a dating ultrasound a few days ago and baby measured at 6 weeks and 3 days. Everything looked good and the baby’s heartbeat was detected multiple times at around 137.

After reviewing the ultrasound, the doctor called me to say that they had detected I had a slightly irregular gestational sac with small perigestational haematoma.

My doctor said she wasn’t concerned and she was happy to send me for another scan in two weeks if I felt like it would help my anxiety, otherwise just leave it.

Please give it to me straight, should I be worried? I haven’t had any bleeding at all and wouldn’t even know about the haematoma unless she had just told me.