I'm 40 weeks and 3 days. I started having false labour at 39 weeks which involved intense cramping, belly hardening/tightening, back pain and emotional shifts of 'here comes baby' to 'ouch this is horrible' to 'oh it stopped' to 'fuck I'm not going to see baby'. It's always gone the next day. It completely stopped at 40 weeks and my doctor told me my cervix is FULLY CLOSED. I WENT THROUGH ALL THE PAIN FOR NOTHING.

Braxton hicks started at one day after my due date. Belly super tight/hard and painful. It's another one of those nights and I'm just done. I have an induction at 41 weeks and I really think my body hates me at this point. I didnt want an induction but i am so over going through this the next few days. I've been told to relax and rest these last few days but I'm kept up all night with these symptoms. All of my friends had their babies and some had spontaneous labour's. I tell them about what I'm going through and they're like oh I never had that. I know it could be worse but this is difficult.