Went to the ER this morning

Last night, I started feeling some stomach pains and cramping, pretty low in my tummy. I also noticed that baby boy hadn’t moved as much as he normally does at night. Immediately I felt something was off and I was concerned. I’m 24+2, FTM.

This morning, he yet again wasn’t moving like he normally does. The late night/early morning dance parties were not happening. No music, lights, nada. The pain continued into the morning, and I couldn’t squelch the panic enough anymore and we decided to go to the ER.

They immediately send me to L&D. The nurses get us checked in real quick, everyone is asking questions and moving as fast as they can. I’m starting to get even more worried, because at this point all I had felt were maybe some flutters that might have been gas, and everyone is looking at me like my baby could be in danger.

The moment, and I mean the MOMENT they strap on the fetal heart rate monitor disc thing, he kicks it. He straight up kicks the monitor. The nurse even asked me if I felt that. And there’s his heart rate, 150 something, just happy as a clam. He starts wiggling, and stretching for his morning dance party.

Y’all when I tell you he made me out to be a liar. The nurse was so sweet, explaining that she loves when this happens in triage because you can see the relief on the moms face when they hear the heart rate. Everyone was so sweet and reassuring me it is better to be safe than sorry, and babies do this FREQUENTLY.

I’m so happy baby boy is healthy and alright. I think I’m gonna take a nap now though lmao. And he’s grounded until he’s 43.

ETA: the nap definitely helped. Also, now when I come back to reply to a comment on this post, baby bub starts kicking 🙄🙄🙄🙄 he is rubbing it in my face lmao. I love this little jerk 💙