Sea climate and risk of miscarriage?
Hello everyone,
I am currently really confused and don't know what to do. My partner and I live in inland Germany. We were planning to go on vacation and visit the North Sea coast. It's much windier and colder than the inland climate, but we were still looking forward to it.
Only after we booked our vacation I found a bunch of people online who claim to have suffered miscarriages after a vacation near the North Sea. Some even wrote that their gynecologist claimed this is a common phenomenon, and some rehabilitation clinics near the coast refuse to take pregnant patients because of this (of those I have found one myself).
I never thought this could be an issue, so I didn't even bring it up to my OB when I went in last week. When I found out I called and asked her, and she said it was fine. She basically said that since I don't have any complications up until now I could do anything I feel up to.
I've looked far and wide, and couldn't find scientific evidence for this phenomenon anywhere. However, I couldn't find data to disprove it either.
All in all, I don't know what to do now. Whether this is real or not, whether I could endanger our child by going on this vacation or not. My head's spinning and I need some outside advice to make sense of all this. My midwife is on vacation until after we'd come back, so I can't ask her either.
Thank you all for your time. I'm just really overwhelmed right now.
Edit: grammar