Went in for reduced movement at 36+1

So baby boy has been pretty crazy up until this past week, then i realized i only feel him move like crazy in the mornings when i wake up and right as I'm going to bed. So I've been a little worried and went in to get checked. Had a NST done and he did great! Also learned I was having contractions every 5 minutes but I felt zero of them. Even though that seems pretty close to me they did not seem concerned about it. Then they called my doctor and she wanted an ultrasound done. He did everything they were looking for! But I was told I have slightly low amniotic fluid and will now need to get an NST done every week. I just got the results from everything I did today and my placenta description makes me nervous because idk what any of the words mean😂😭. Its described as a "heterogenous lobulated placenta with echogenic bands, likely aging of the placenta with some calcification." Like what do those words mean and is it normal?😭 I have an appointment with my OB on Thursday and boy are these going to be a long 3 days🙃