found nude photos in my boyfriends phone 🙁

hey guys im a little embarrassed but ive been feeling so down lately, i recently found nude photos & videos in my baby fathers phone 😞 i havent confronted him about it but i blocked the number so i know he knows that i know, im currently 23 weeks & only working part time, my mom is my only other support & she isnt working at the moment. he is the primary source of income in the apartment that we share, to sum it up i have nowhere else to go if i decide to leave 😕 It sucks because i honestly felt our relationship strengthen during this pregnancy & now im thinking it was all a lie , We havent been as sexually active & i think he has been watching porn & pleasing himself more often , which i have no problem with but it makes me feel so unattractive :( Im scared for me & my child because the plan was for me to become a sahm, now im feeling so conflicted , ive invested so much time into my home & i just dont know what to do đŸ˜ĸ any advice??