This sucks

Sold my car last week to my moms friend for $410 (he said he give me $90 later) and was pretty happy. I put the money in my dresser drawer since it was like 3 am when they woke me up to do this. A few days later it's still in the drawer, I figured cool I'll use it towards my portion of rent and deposit it my next day off.

Today I go to grab it and it's missing... I've searched the whole house, my car, my dirty clothes, everywhere... I've been crying for hours. I don't want to accuse anyone in my house of stealing it, but I don't usually misplace money. I always return found money as well! I found $50 in the break room at work and took it to the receptionist. Someone left their wallet in my car, I returned it next morning undisturbed. I'd feel better if it was bad karma! Either way, this sucks.