Wealthy Parents said to try Food Stamps (21F)
I graduated a year early last May after sustaining tough injuries as a a D1 athlete and needing to just get out of my hell hole college. I decided to take all my savings and eventually move out on my own.
I got a job in sports management for a facility that quickly became unmanageable as the owner and only other worker were hostile towards me (and paid nothing). I quit. I knew I had a restaurant job and coaching gigs to fall back on. I picked up a few shifts, but its not enough. They say its my fault.
It has been 1 month between full time jobs now and I have amazing leads to good jobs. I’m a smart kid, I have tons of experience. I just asked my parents for a little help as I have literally 0 cash income as I wait for my shitty little checks (like $50). I don’t want to commit to another third part time job while I wait to hear back on full time positions. I just need some help in between.
My parents said no. My mom told me to apply for food stamps. We grew up dirt poor but she got her big corporate break past 5/6 years and she makes well over 150k a year. My lease ends June 1. I’m fucked. I’m going to need a lump sum to secure a new apartment. I found a roommate to lower costs. I pay all my own bills.
They say i can move back home, but also complain that i hate living w them (ofc).
Is it wrong for well off parents to tell their kids to go on government support? My brothers say better to let them save, so we dont have to help them later.
Is it even worth it if i just need assistance for a few weeks?
EDIT: I am surprised by the responses. Of course I exaggerated a bit to get some discussion going and was also in crisis mode for a moment. I agree with everyone’s claims of “welcome to life”. I know its totally normal and actually better to be on your own at 21. I am surprisingly surrounded however by many 20-25 year olds mostly funded by parents.
I enjoy the pride of paying my own way in life without my parent’s support, I guess I just got a kick in my pride when my parents said to try food stamps instead of some compassion. My parents are debt free and do well, I don’t know their actual income, 150 was a guess.
For all my haters I am finding work in-between (contracts) and think I will pull through to June 1. I will most likely just bum the month instead of applying for food stamps bc 1. I don’t like paperwork 2. I would rather eat noodles for one month than try to deal with the government
Thank you for all the supportive words! I will be enjoying my month of mo money may and proving my parents wrong…the true american way. And If I try my best and fail I am grateful for their welcome home. I will always be grateful for all that I have and my supporters!