Walmart plus

I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. At the beginning of the pandemic I signed up for Walmart + because I have family members who were high risk and I was doing the grocery shopping for two households. I kept it because I actually saved money using it.
It saves me time. Time = Money.
It saves me from impulsive purchases from going through the aisles. Added plus is paramount + is included. I wouldn’t subscribe to this on its own but it’s a nice time killer or background noise.
Of course, it has its cons too, such as not being able to pick your produce or your meat. If I’m being particular, I’ll run to a grocery store to get those things but for the most part I’ve gotten quality stuff.
Lastly, it’s just plain easier to get your stuff delivered to your house. I don’t have to lug things around or hunt.

All that being said, $98 a year is a bit steep. I quite a bit stressed about paying it. I recently found out that there is such thing as Walmart plus assist. It’s the same exact service for half the price !!!!!! You must qualify of course. For all my fellow snap people out there, get your discount. I was SO happy when I learned this. Hope it helps someone else.

Walmart+ Assist is a program where eligible customers are able to join Walmart+ at a discounted rate. This program is offered to anyone who qualifies for government assistance programs and can offer sufficient documents to prove their eligibility. Eligible programs include SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, SSI, TANF, TTANF, NSLP and LIHEAP