[Queen Bee] Chapter 345 Finale Discussion

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We finally made it to the end... The beach scene was nicely done visually, no surprise there. It was pretty sad and annoying how they even got into the feels during it by just showing the regret of not being able to have a child together. The fact that they even promised to be together in the next life along with their child is the kicker from the author since it's basically the same writing as how he wrote out the Landlady in his other story "His Place" promising the MC to be together in the next life. Promising to be together even in death is a heartfelt outcome between them, but the fact that everything could've worked smoothly even now without the forced writing is why it also feels annoying. So that's a major disappointment from the author.

The fact that I had even questioned the author recently about the idol and now he writes her in already shows he was stumbling with this ending, so I'll never understand why he couldn't just make it a simple ending after everything. Especially when there's still so many plot holes left unfilled. Especially the obvious fact that Pyo NEVER DREW HIS MOM NAKED. Maybe the author will answer in the review next week.

Regardless, Dali's finale is met with promised love all around her even if it's not everything we wanted from the ship, so there's that. As a long time Dali fan, all I mostly cared about was the endless love anyway. Only wished we saw that mini Dali. Oh well.

This is the end now. I'll wait to translate the review before I officially retire. Thank you all for always supporting the translations all these years. This was always for yall. And an old friend...

See yall next week.