Hookup Heatpump to Aqualink RS
I installed the Jandy JRT2500R Heatpump / Chiller this weekend and it worked great, heated the spa to 100 without issue within an hour (It was 86 outside).
Now, I need help wiring it to my Aqualink RS. The manual isnt clear to me, so to get clarity is it a special cable or can I just go to a big box store and get 22 AWG 4wire?
There are options for 3 wire connection, two wire (TSTAT), RS485 4 wire. I believe I need the RS485 as I want to be able to control spa/pool mode and heat/chill
- RS485 (4 wire) Connection to AquaLink® RS Using an AquaLink RS control and RS485 connection will allow you to control both the heating and cooling function with the remote. NOTE: You can only switch between heating mode and chilling mode when in Pool Mode. Spa mode will only control heating, it cannot control chilling.
- Use 22 gauge 4-conductor wire (Zodiac® Part No. 4278) to run between the heat pump and the RS control, and match the wire color order.