Things you are owed from your metas
Important clarification: You should be treated with basic human decency. When I say respect, I am not referring to the basic decency you'd treat anyone with. Respect= aligning with their values, morals, ethics. Admiring the kind of human they are. I do not believe you can do that with a stranger because you have no idea what kind of person they are.
They don't have to meet you.
They don't have to talk to you.
They don't have to be nice to you.
They don't have to like you.
They don't have to respect you.
They don't have to look at you.
They don't have to acknowledge your existence.
They don't have to invite you to things.
They don't have to allow you into their home.
They don't have to do anything for you.
They are not dating you!
If you have a problem, take it up with your hinge. Your hinge is the only one that owes you anything. If your hinge is blaming your meta? Then you have a shit hinge.
ETA: it seems a lot of comments take issue with saying they don't have to respect you. You are taking the lack of respect as disrespect. It's not. There is a neutral middle ground. Respect is earned. It's not owed.
Respect is not the same as basic human decency. Neutrality is a thing. It's neither respect nor disrespect. No where did I say treat your meta poorly for no reason. Not greeting someone or acknowledging someone is not treating them badly. It's not disrespectful. Some of you need to learn nuance. There's a big middle ground between respect and disrespect.
I'm not saying treat your metas badly, but bad metas are a thing, and that's hinges job to manage. Meta can be a dick if they so choose. It's up to the hinge to deal with that and to hinge well.
Shitty metas are going to happen. That's just the reality. But that's for your hinge to manage. If your meta wants to flip you off every time they see you? I mean, they can do that. I personally wouldn't, but some people are just dicks. It's on hinge to not bring someone around you that treats you poorly.
Not everyone is a good person. The whole entire point is that it's on your hinge to manage, not your meta. If hinge keeps bringing someone around you that's treating you poorly, that's on hinge. Dick meta is gonna be a dick. Some people are just dicks. That's life. Hinge is the one that has to decide how they are going to handle meta.
This is in response to all the posts from people complaining about metas, not about how anyone specific treats their metas. The fact is some people are dicks and if they want to be that way, they can. They can also deal with the consequences of being a dick. They don't have to be kind. They can be a shit person, and they can deal with the fallout of that. Hinge has to handle that. I do not view basic human decency as respect. When I speak about respect, it is not in regards to just treating someone as another human being. But some people just suck, and that's life. They can choose to be shitty. I'm not saying that's right, but that's how some people are. I give everyone basic human decency and I am neutral about them until I know what kind of person they are. No where am I advocating for being an asshole.
For the last time. This post is not about me, my relationships, my metas. It is based on the numerous posts of people coming here throwing a fit because they feel entitled to anything from their metas, especially when there is an issue, and instead of taking that up with the hinge, they berate their metas for not doing whatever they feel they should.
I'm done replying. The same points have been said repeatedly. If you can't be bothered to read them, I frankly don't care. I have an intense procedure in the morning and will not be able to keep up on the thread. Make whatever assumptions you want I suppose. I don't have meta drama because I have good hinges. Some of y'all seem to need to find that as well.