Swinoujscie container port: German citizens' initiative sues against port development
The Usedom citizens' initiative “Lebensraum Vorpommern” has criticised Poland's plans to build a deep-water container port in Swinemünde with up to eight drilling rigs for gas extraction in the sensitive NATURA 2000 protected area. In their view, the effects on the German side were not sufficiently analysed in the environmental impact assessment. As the initiative announced, it has therefore filed an appeal against the environmental decision with the Polish administrative court in Warsaw.
The municipality of Heringsdorf actually wanted to take legal action itself against the authorisation of the environmental impact assessment. However, unlike the citizens' initiative, it is not authorised to take legal action under Polish law. Heringsdorf is therefore supporting the initiative before the Polish administrative court in Warsaw.
They seriously call themselves "Lebensraum". How tone-deaf can you be