Should the government start cracking down on graffiti?
No, not the good stuff - but the pointless, artless, ugly tagging that is proliferating across the country at breakneck speed.
Poland is by no means the only country in Europe affected, but it’s rapidly becoming one of the worst.
And as in most other countries, the reaction seems to be a shrug: oh well, not much we can do. The occasional repaint and that’s it.
But New York in the 1970s was even wilder - yet they cracked it. So it can be done, if there’s the political will.
If the police don’t have the time and resources to pursue offenders or meaningfully address the issue, why not approach the problem from the opposite direction?
Regulate the sale of spray paint with age restrictions or licensing, or levy an extra tax on it to contribute towards municipal cleaning expenses.
I know it’s not the most pressing of issues the country faces, but governments can do more than one thing at a time. So why not this?
No, not the good stuff - but the pointless, artless, ugly tagging that is proliferating across the country at breakneck speed.
Poland is by no means the only country in Europe affected, but it’s rapidly becoming one of the worst.
And as in most other countries, the reaction seems to be a shrug: oh well, not much we can do. The occasional repaint and that’s it.
But New York in the 1970s was even wilder - yet they cracked it. So it can be done, if there’s the political will.
If the police don’t have the time and resources to pursue offenders or meaningfully address the issue, why not approach the problem from the opposite direction?
Regulate the sale of spray paint with age restrictions or licensing, or levy an extra tax on it to contribute towards municipal cleaning expenses.
I know it’s not the most pressing of issues the country faces, but governments can do more than one thing at a time. So why not this?