Wpt gold online SCAM

Do not play this scam of a site! I understand odds and things happen but it’s designed for you to win then lose to buy back in! Then you’ll win and have to buy back in! These are no brainer plays and moves and you will lose because the person is due for a win! They want you to to win then lose and have to buy back in like every other poker player! But triple runners for a hand that should be folded! Also 80 percent sure there are bots 🤖 because even shit players wouldn’t do these calls then miraculously hit! Also there is no report button for colluding there can be all friends on a table and just sharking peoples money! There is no agency checking them or following them up or there programming! The shit I’ve seen in two weeks is enough to quit! That’s why all these people promoting this site don’t play for long and was given the money to play and promote! Let my lose and experience save you some money! Online cards isn’t fare and will never be fare! Every site always has the same problems and if not half way through they get greedy and then start with BS! It’s like a new gf I want to have fun and practice 😂but always in the end lose money and realize the mistake you’ve made but you always think it will be different 😂