1/3 NLHE - How often do you bluff?
I feel like I rarely bluff at my local 1/3 NLHE game. By “bluff” I mean a true stone cold bluff on turn and river bets. Obviously I will semi-bluff from time to time with open-enders, flush draws, etc on boards that favor my range, as well as c-bet with air on boards that I don’t connect with but that favor my range.
However, from a few poker books I’ve read, it’s usually best not to bluff a lot at low limit stakes, particularly when playing calling stations and straight forward players which is usually who I find at these games.
One particular spot I found myself in where I attempted a bluff that worked was the following hand, looking for feedback on if this could be the correct play.
I have $200 stack. Pre flop folds to MP who raises to $10. Cutoff calls. I’m in button looking down at pocket 5’s and make the call. SB folds, BB calls.
Flop comes QcQh4c. MP bets $15, CO folds, I call, BB folds.
Turn is (QcQh4c)-As. MP checks, I check back.
River comes (QcQh4cAs)-6c.
MP bets $30 and I snap shove. He tanks and folds.
My analysis of the hand is this - the flop favors his range so he will bet. When I call and then turn comes an ace, that’s an obvious check check for pot control. The river brings the flush home, and I have Ax suited clubs in my range with the way it was played. Additionally, if he has any other Ax hand besides AQ, I don’t think he can call. I can obviously opt to flat call the river if I think he’s full of shit, but my showdown value is pretty minimal with that board.