1/3 NLHE weird spot…Tell me your thoughts
Button straddle $6. SB raises to $20, BB calls $20. Hero has QdQc, 3-bets to $100. MP, BB, SB all call $100. Flop comes AsKcJs. Checks around to MP who shoves $150. BB, SB both call.
I tank, knowing I’m behind, but make the call, assuming if I spike a 10 I’ll rake it in and pot odds means I only need to win about 10-15% of the time.
Board comes out blank, 7d,6d. MP wins with pocket jacks, other players muck.
Was I right to call here? Anything I should have done differently? Since no one shoved pre, I assumed no one had KK or AA. I basically put players on AK, 10’s and jacks.