At least, the life-size Sprigatito is all mine!

How I got it is a bit complicated, so, me and my dad were at Traders Village, and I was browsing through a store in the flea market called "The Retro Corner", which sells a bunch of retro games for old consoles, and while I was browsing the store, they actually had a life-size Sprigatito sitting in the corner with a LA Dodgers hat on his right ear, and then, I went like, "Oh my goodness, is that the life-size Sprigatito that I was looking for?", which I then decided to talk to the owner and say how much it would cost, and believe it or not, he wasn't selling this item, as he said it was a collectors piece, but however, he ended up deciding to sell it to me, in which he hooked me up with it, and sold it to me for $90.