LF: offers, cherish ball eventmon, shiny legendary, Dracozolt, Arctovish, Arctozolt FT: Shiny, Events, Shiny Eggs, offer
Hello Guys. I'm looking for the Gallar Fossils to complete my magearna dex. will trade one non special mass outbreak shiny one for one fossilmon.
I'm also open to cherish ball mon offers and shiny legendary/mythicals (without rng manip).
I'm looking specifically for these event poke:
- Cherish female Alolan Vulpix
- Shiny Stakataka
- Cherish Shiny Female Eevee
- Cherish Shiny Female Glaceon
- Non-Shiny Zeraora
- Cynthia Spiritomb
if you have other offers then I might trade, but the priority is in the above list
my offer Notables being (note that some rare one like Shiny Phione and Genesect is not for trade for the fossils):
- Shiny Phione Egg!! limited time, so it can be with your OT
- 20th Anniversary Genesect from gen 6
- Shiny Gimmighoul legit without mod/tools/RNG
- Shiny Cyndaquil
- Shiny white-striped Basculin
- Moon Hisui Zorua egg so it can be hatched with your OT
- Gouging fire
- Walking Wake
- Iron Leaves
thanks in advance!