Pokémon Colosseum is so great even now

I know it’s been said before but wow Colosseum really holds up. My husband hasn’t played a lot of Pokémon games. Really scarlet and violet were his return to the series. And he liked the story but kept saying things/places/ppl felt empty. And everytime the game glitched or lagged or he couldn’t figure out a good camera angle he would get frustrated. I’m honestly shocked I haven’t replayed those in a minute so watching him play through and this stuff not being patched is kind of crazy lol

That being said. This past weekend I asked him to play colosseum which he’d never played. And wow! What a difference. I know it’s been talked about but holy crap the Pokémon animations are generally as good if not often better than current Pokémon animations. even the dynamic camera angles during fights were just so much more dynamic than anything scarlet and violet has. When his misdreavus fainted he legit went “oh no!” Bc she disappears and her beads fall to the ground. And he thought that was so final he was legitimately attached to his team just bc of the animations. It was more joy and engagement that I had seen through most of his scarlet and violet play-through (mastiff storyline aside lol) The difficulty is also pretty balanced. Hes excited to keep playing it vs what was him clearly playing scarlet and violet for me lol

I know it’s not the same development team. But have they ever talked about why the refusal to adopt any of colosseums clearly liked features? Anything from the Terra leaks about poke co’s thoughts on colosseum?

Anyway, just big props to colosseum truly holds up