I wish Pokemon games took more from the older titles.

The new pokemon games bore me. I don't care about befriending everyone. I don't care about their problems. Give me my Pokemans and let me instate fear in the world with a rat. The storys are lamer and the loss of actual evil teams upsets me. I just want a criminal organization or cult dumbed down for 8 year olds like they used too. Now the fact that it's just a bunch of bullied kids or poor people make you feel bad for doing what the game forces you too. Also, I just don't care for some of the new pokemon. They feel gimmicky too often, even though older gens had gimmick pokemon, it was only one or two per gen. The open world aspect they're going for doesn't work on a console showing its age and was just a buggy mess that made Cyberpunk look well put together. Also, the graphics are extra lame. I want HD 2D games instead of 3D graphics that look worse than Mario Galaxy. I just kinda wish they went back to a more linear idea and have an actual fear for my life. Legends Arceus was the best in the series for a while, and the changes in combat for Legends ZA have me concerned for a few different reasons. I'm not saying this out of hatred, but for a hope for the games to do better.

TLDR: Pokemon games should take more from older games.