Is "Sun and Moon suck" a hot take?
It seems like a lot of people say stuff like "X and Y are boring" or "Sword and Shield were disappointments", but I feel like Gen 7 kinda slips under the radar. To me, Sun and Moon is one of the worst generations Pokemon has ever had. Name one thing that the actual region of Alola has that would draw you to it. Not the people or culture, the region. There's lots of better mountains in Pokemon, there's better volcanos, there's better haunted houses, heck Sword and Shield even did the whole "run down city" thing better. Alola literally has nothing of interest in it, the region is not fun to explore. Not that you ever have a chance to explore, the game is linier as hell and 90% of the time you're playing you're mashing A through a billion limes of unnecessary dialogue. The story isn't nearly good enough to justify that, sure it's fine but you could have done literally the exact same story with a tenth of the text. It's also just so annoying, I can't imagine they actually scream aloha a billion times every time you turn the corner in Hawaii. It's just a greeting, its literally just their word for hello, it's not like they're god damn smurfs who need to replace every second word with smurf or else they burst into flame or whatever. This game refuses to let you forget for even a second that this is Hawaii. It's not a Pokemon region, this is literally just a flanderized cartoon Hawaii. Most regions have their own identity, like yeah they're based on real places but they do cool stuff with that instead of literally just being that place in cartoon form. I can keep going but I think you get the point, this region is just not good at all.
It seems like a lot of people say stuff like "X and Y are boring" or "Sword and Shield were disappointments", but I feel like Gen 7 kinda slips under the radar. To me, Sun and Moon is one of the worst generations Pokemon has ever had. Name one thing that the actual region of Alola has that would draw you to it. Not the people or culture, the region. There's lots of better mountains in Pokemon, there's better volcanos, there's better haunted houses, heck Sword and Shield even did the whole "run down city" thing better. Alola literally has nothing of interest in it, the region is not fun to explore. Not that you ever have a chance to explore, the game is linier as hell and 90% of the time you're playing you're mashing A through a billion limes of unnecessary dialogue. The story isn't nearly good enough to justify that, sure it's fine but you could have done literally the exact same story with a tenth of the text. It's also just so annoying, I can't imagine they actually scream aloha a billion times every time you turn the corner in Hawaii. It's just a greeting, its literally just their word for hello, it's not like they're god damn smurfs who need to replace every second word with smurf or else they burst into flame or whatever. This game refuses to let you forget for even a second that this is Hawaii. It's not a Pokemon region, this is literally just a flanderized cartoon Hawaii. Most regions have their own identity, like yeah they're based on real places but they do cool stuff with that instead of literally just being that place in cartoon form. I can keep going but I think you get the point, this region is just not good at all.