What kind of new Pokémon would you had wished to see in Sword/Shield if given the chance?

Alright, it's been five years since the release date of Pokémon Sword and Shield, which are still rather contentious titles given the whole situation around that time. I'll admit I do like the aesthetics of Galar and how whimsical it feels, especially stemming from my love and fondness for Celtic culture and music. Looking back on it on, I do like how much of the new Pokémon have various ties to British lore, such as Falinks being based on a Roman legion who got lost in Britain during the 100s and the fossils being based on how scientists would use bones from different dinosaur skeletons to create something that didn't actually exist in prehistoric times. Still, I feel like that they could've done way more with utilizing more aspect of Celtic and British mythos to create new interesting Pokémon.

Who knows? Maybe when we get to the Ireland region (No. The Isle of Armor is meant to be the Isle of Man, not Ireland), maybe we'll get another chance to have more Pokémon based on Celtic culture.

Anyway, the first one that immediately came to mind in terms of new Pokémon was the legend of Drake's Drum. Basically, it's a real drum that was once owned by some guy in the 1500s and once traveled the seas with said drum before ordering people to return the drum to London. Legends has it that you can hear the drum sounds during times of war and national upheavals. I've already planned to use this mon for a project of my, being an Electric/Dragon-type move with high Sp. Atk and Speed, because I feel like the Pokémon could have originated from Galar given how Rillaboom and Toxtricity, other Pokémon associated with music, are first encountered there. Additionally, there is said to be a dragon up in Scotland whose name means thunderbolt/lightning, so I guess that could also be another source of inspiration. Like I said, Rillaboom and Toxtricity already exist, so adding another music-themed Electric-type Pokémon with drums would've been redundant but I would've like to see it.

Other Pokémon that I would've like to see would be a Cheshire Cat and an English Bulldog to sure as a counterpart to each other. Tbh, I just felt like we could've have Bea and Allister have their signature Pokémon be actually native to Galar and not just Machamp and Gengar for the umpteenth (They were already the aces of two Elite Four members, and a gym leader). The Cheshire Cat would serve as a good alternative to Gengar, who despite resembling a Cheshire Cat, is too overused in my honest opinion and I don't really find its design all that interesting. This Cheshire Cat would have a similar stat spread but would be Ghost/Fairy(originally it gonna be Ghost/Psychic but I felt like the Fairy type would better suit the Cheshire Cat's mysterious nature), and has a new signature ability with Vanishing Act which lets it switch out of battle after knocking out an opponent. As for the English Bulldog, well, Granbull wasn't included in Galar to be begun with so I feel like this would've been a good time to introduce a Fighting-type that's on four legs and not your typical bipedal. Not sure what its secondary typing would be tho, but I'll think of it later.

Anyway, that's all I have atm. Feel free to discuss what kind of new Pokémon would you had wished to see in Sword/Shield if given the chance?