Are there any Pokémon mispronunciations that grind your gears?
"Rat-a-tat" would only be understandable if there was a "T" at the end of Rattata's name, which there isn't. I heard this one a lot when Pokémon GO was at the height of its popularity.
"Slay-king" can only slay anything every other turn; between those turns, it's stuck "Slaking" off.
"Rye-o-lu" doesn't make any sense. No one says "Lu-ca-rye-o", so why would its pre-evolution be any different?
The Pawniard line is named after chess pieces, with Bisharp being the bishop; you wouldn't say "Bye-sharp" unless that's also how you say "bishop" (which I really hope no one does).
The "More" in Morelull's name comes from "morel", but most people I've heard don't try to emphasize that when pronouncing it.
"Pinch-urchin" is a sea urchin that's also a pincushion, not a pinchcushion.
If you've ever heard the term "jugular", you can safely assume that "jugulis" would be pronounced similarly. So why do so many people say "Iron Jew-guh-lis" or "Iron Juh-goo-lis"?
But the worst of them all is a tie between "Dough-blade" and "Dew-blade"; I can't decide which is worse. Doublade is quite literally a double blade. It's not made of dough, nor does it produce dew.
What mispronunciations do you find yourself wishing you could unhear?
Edit: I've been notified that "Dew-blade" could be correct if it's meant to use the French pronunciation of "double", but there's still some ambiguity as to which pronunciation was originally intended.