Which generation made the most important additions to Pokemon?
Every generation of Pokemon has added something new to the games that has made Pokemon what it is today. But which generation added the best or most important features? What is the generation that made the biggest impact in revolutionizing Pokemon from what it was in Gen 1? The addition of breeding? The physical/special move split? The addition of natures and abilities? The addition of Hyper-training to make any Pokemon competitively viable without having to spend time breeding for IVs? The addition of shiny Pokemon if you like shinies? Which generation would you say made the BIGGEST impact on what Pokemon is today? (Obviously I left out Gen 1 because obviously the creation of Pokemon is the most important lol)
Edit: Here's some of what I missed from the poll that others have mentioned:
Gen 2:
Held Items
Special Attack and Defense split
Second playable (female) character
Separate pockets in the bag
Apricorn balls
Dark and Steel types
Mystery Gift
Egg moves
Battle Tower
Gen 3
Updated PC Box system format
Modern IV and EV format
Double Battles
Running shoes
Move Reminder/Deleter
Move previews when leveling up
New berry system
New pokeballs
Wi-Fi connectivity
Gender appearance differences
Gen 5
Auto reusing repels
Hidden abilities
Gen 6
Player customization
Fairy type
New EXP Share to cut down on grinding