I analyzed ~3,700 top podcasts—here’s what I found!

Hi Friends, I recently analyzed around 3,700 top podcasts (RSS feeds of approximately the top 200 from each genre on Apple Podcasts). There was a lot of data to go through! This is the first part. Here, I looked at episode release schedules and average episode durations used by top podcasters. Please take a look and see if you find it useful! I'll be sharing more insights soon.

Podcast Episode Release Cycle

  1. Most podcasts follow a weekly release schedule (~52%).
  2. Daily podcasts make up ~30%, while fortnightly releases account for ~6%.
  3. Podcasters who release weekly or daily tend to be consistent – they stick to their schedule ~70% of the time over a long period.

How to read the table?

In the following table, in the True Crime genre:

  • 72% of analyzed podcasts release episodes weekly, with an average consistency of 70%.
  • 17% of podcasters release episodes daily, with a 51% consistency rate.
Genre Weekly Release(%) Weekly Consistency(%) Daily Release(%) Daily Consistency(%)
True Crime 72% 70% 17% 51%
Society & Culture 65% 73% 21% 62%
Comedy 64% 76% 23% 74%
Leisure 63% 69% 22% 58%
Science 60% 68% 20% 63%
Kids & Family 60% 74% 23% 59%
TV & Film 59% 72% 28% 61%
Arts 59% 75% 17% 74%
Health & Fitness 58% 72% 26% 56%
Music 58% 71% 27% 59%
Technology 56% 68% 24% 62%
History 53% 68% 17% 55%
Education 52% 70% 28% 64%
Fiction 47% 64% 27% 66%
Religion & Spirituality 46% 74% 40% 75%
Business 42% 68% 40% 71%
Government 41% 58% 27% 61%
Sports 22% 66% 69% 80%
News 17% 71% 76% 82%

Podcast Episode Duration

  1. The average episode duration across all podcasts is ~49 minutes.
  2. Weekly podcasts tend to be slightly longer (~52 min avg).
  3. Daily podcasts are shorter (~43 min avg).

How to read the table?

In the following table, in the Arts genre:

  • The average episode duration is 49 minutes 10 seconds.
  • Most episodes fall between 31 and 55 minutes.
  • Weekly-released episodes average 50 minutes 11 seconds.
  • Daily-released episodes average 49 minutes 05 seconds.
Genre Overall Avg Duration Most Common Range Weekly Avg Duration Daily Avg Duration
Arts 0:49:10Min 31-55Min 0:50:11Min 0:49:05Min
Business 0:40:54Min 21-45Min 0:45:37Min 0:34:56Min
Comedy 1:11:10Min 50-80Min 1:12:46Min 1:07:02Min
Education 0:36:21Min 15-40Min 0:37:14Min 0:29:23Min
Fiction 0:38:00Min 21-40Min 0:40:51Min 0:32:30Min
Government 0:39:53Min 26-45Min 0:41:44Min 0:37:03Min
Health & Fitness 0:48:40Min 31-60Min 0:50:03Min 0:46:36Min
History 0:46:42Min 26-55Min 0:45:32Min 0:40:47Min
Kids & Family 0:30:26Min 06-40Min 0:29:35Min 0:19:18Min
Leisure 1:04:13Min 46-70Min 1:07:32Min 0:51:49Min
Music 1:00:14Min 46-70Min 1:05:38Min 0:48:53Min
News 0:44:36Min 26-55Min 0:49:32Min 0:42:08Min
Religion & Spirituality 0:38:58Min 26-55Min 0:44:48Min 0:29:26Min
Science 0:46:14Min 21-65Min 0:46:28Min 0:42:18Min
Society & Culture 0:51:42Min 31-60Min 0:51:56Min 0:49:28Min
Sports 1:00:19Min 41-70Min 1:15:09Min 0:54:14Min
Technology 0:56:44Min 35-75Min 1:01:24Min 0:44:24Min
True Crime 0:43:25Min 26-45Min 0:44:31Min 0:37:45Min
TV & Film 1:06:03Min 41-75Min 1:09:20Min 0:58:14Min

Just to be clear, this is my personal analysis based on publicly available data, and I could be wrong. Thanks for your time.