Someone can help finding info about him?

I got this plushie when 35 years ago. It was the '90 It was a gift (received when I was 2 months old) from a important person that was sadly leaving this world too early.

It's been a while that I'm searching info about him. I called him Yuri but it's obviously not his real name. Polar bear, no tail, no finger in the paws. The brand and stuff is completely white so it's impossibile to read a name or something like that. My mom told me that he was maybe wearing a scarf but she is not sure. And that scarf could have been related to the world soccer game and the italian team (i searched a lot about that, mascotte and stuff, but nothing).

I would love to see how he was looking like 30 years ago... and what is his story. He is my favourite plush and I never left him in my 35 years of life.