Some reasons we've seen systems fakeclaimed, from a system that used to check out cringe subs a lot

  • low member count
  • high member count
  • co fronting/co consciousness
  • "cringe" alters (because fursonas = liar, i guess)
  • too many queer alters (because queer people don't exist)
  • not any queer alters (because cishet people don't exist)
  • alters using neos (this is just queerphobic)
  • nonhuman alters (because nonhumanity = crazy and should be in a mental hospital)
  • any type of introject (especially songtives and factives)
  • making jokes about fictives
  • having an innerworld
  • not having an innerworld
  • wanting system friends
  • splitting easily
  • not splitting
  • being pro endo
  • being anti endo
  • being endo neutral
  • having system roles (because "you shouldn't be so aware of all your alters")
  • not having system roles (because "every alter needs a purpose")
  • having no host
  • ageslider alters
  • having littles (because alters can't be under 18... i guess...)
  • saying they were diagnosed with did
  • saying they hadn't been diagnosed with did
  • using the term "osddid" ("aesthetifying" disorders??)
  • using the term "plural"
  • using the term "system"
  • anything with build a headmate blogs
  • being fictosexual and/or objectum (because that's too weird!!)
  • using typing quirks
  • doing alter intros (because "not all alters would want to be on social media") (the system literally said not all their alters were featured in the intro)
  • having source memories, especially ones that aren't EXACT copies of source
  • having ANY sort of in-system relationship (romantic, platonic, literally anything)

if this sounds ridiculous, it should!!!

list put together primarily by Rory 💋

watch this end us up on syscringe LMAOOOO