A fictive reminder
The idea that a fictive has to be a carbon copy of their source always annoyed me. Because even if they started out that way, after a while they’ll change naturally. They’ll adapt to the new body, the fact they share it with others, sometimes the new country they live in, or language they speak, the time period they live in, the planet they now live on. And in traumagenic cases, they’ll be affected by said trauma and disassociation like any other alter would. They may have to front in a body that’s a whole different age, race, bio sex and gender to their source. All of that will change a person. Even if they stay close to canon, there’s going to be small details that will change just because they now live in a body with other people in it.
Like come on guys, you really think Mr only alive at night ancient pharaoh that lives in my brain is going to turn down the chance to see the sun for the first time in 4000 years? He can live in the day now, that alone is a difference to his source!
Change isn’t a bad thing, it can be scar for some, but it’s not bad. A fictive will always be the character they identify with, even if they aren’t a carbon copy.