Looking for something to play between games.

I’m currently between games and waiting for the release of something that comes out at the end of the month. I don’t like to start games, stop, switch to a game I’m more hyped about then go back to the previous game. I either never go back to finish the other game, or once I do start it up again I’m just not into it anymore and drop it anyway.

So im asking for some help. I’m looking for a single player game that is short but is gonna leave an impact that I can play on PS5. 20 hours or less from start to finish. Something that also doesn’t have too many distractions like massive side quests or challenges that extend the length to an extra 20+ hours. I don’t have a lot of time to game so I feel like something with too much extra content will distract me and I won’t finish before the game I’m really waiting for releases.

I play a wide verity of games so suggestions are pretty open ended. The only thing I don’t play are sports games, or anything too online competitive like CoD, I’m not the best at FPS so getting killed constantly by other players is not fun to me. lol