Loading time is killing me(not asset warmup)

Hi, i bought this game yesterday and I'm shocked how long it takes to load. I know that Rust's load times are longer than other games, but not like 2 hours. My problem is specific because I don't have problem with asset warmup(Yes it takes a while but after 10 minuts is ready) I have problem with later part of loading. This seams taking forever. I was waiting for it to load something about hour, my freinds joined the server after 10/15 minutes of loading. Please help, I want play this game but in this conditions it's impossible.

I don't have any problems with loading in games like Arma 3, GTA V.

I tried to: - Verify game file - Reinstalled EAC - Skipping asset warmup

my specs: - GTX 750ti - 8gb ram