"I have 6k hours in total, 4,5k on another account"
I genuinely don't understand. A LOT of people play on alternative accounts and i just don't understand why. I will, 99% of the time, think you're a cheater, or perhaps a scammer, if you have a ton of skins on a new account.
A lot of people has said that "they don't want to add hours to the other account", when you can completely hide the hours from others. So for me, that makes no sense.
Yes, i do get it if you're popular for some reason and don't want to be recognized, but that's "never" the case. Or if you're being harassed somehow.
Met a guy who had 11k hours on his main account but he was playing on a 900h, less than a year old steam account, he was using both accounts during the same wipe, just swapping between the two. He didn't tell me that though, he told me that he had 7k hours on two accounts, the rest i found out myself.
Why are people getting alternative accounts, unless it's for cheating?