Heres some reasons why I’m lowkey disappointed in the album, lmk if yall agree
First off
The song selection, Carti had so much good sounding snippets and leaks from this era that could have been on here, where was drugs got me numb? Where was skinny jeans? Where was what’s my name? Where was fomdj? Why did we get mojo jojo a song that leaked last summer over drugs got me numb?? Why did we get these random narcissist era songs over this eras snippets and leaks, out of all narcosis era songs he put on here he left out killers and rockstar like cmon bro that’s ridicoulous.
Butchered HBA and EVILJORDAN Not to mention where TF was diffrent day and 2024????
The song structure, the way this album is structured makes absolutely no sense
The cover art, im sorry but we waited 4 years for that??😭
The realease, album dropped 9 hours late keeping a lot of people awake and disappointed, another issue is the album l we got is clearly rushed upon realease and the mixing was dog shit
The features were boring and nothing stood out in my opinion apart from Kenny Uzi and the weekend. While Travis seemed to do nothing the whole album and future was just plain old boring, future brought nothing to the table to excite the listening experience and bring life to the song
Ai vocals???
At the end of the day I still fw it, there are some really high highs and really low lows