Alocasia zebrina new leaf dying before it unfurls?

Sorry for the blurry picture. I've had this plant since 2020. This is the 1st new leaf to grow since summer. The stalk looks normal but the end of it where the green leaf should be is brown and shriveled. I water about every 10 days. Sits 3 feet away from a south facing window. Gets an hour of sun a day but bright light all day. Just put the green rocks on it a few weeks ago to keep my kittens from digging in the dirt. Has decent drainage with some rip rap in the bottom of pot. TIA for any advice.

Sorry for the blurry picture. I've had this plant since 2020. This is the 1st new leaf to grow since summer. The stalk looks normal but the end of it where the green leaf should be is brown and shriveled. I water about every 10 days. Sits 3 feet away from a south facing window. Gets an hour of sun a day but bright light all day. Just put the green rocks on it a few weeks ago to keep my kittens from digging in the dirt. Has decent drainage with some rip rap in the bottom of pot. TIA for any advice.