Sellers on eBay not shipping auctions
Rant mode. It's the 4th time past few months i win auctions on eBay and sellers just don't ship. Obviously because they have price remorse. Just won a dark charizard holo LP-NM at 60-65% market. I was so happy of that win... Looking clean, a shot for NM. Been 1 week and it's not shipped. Seller ghost my messages. His handling time was 2 business days. And delivery is supposed to be monday... He clearly won't ship. So sick of this.
You guys experience the same a lot too? Ranting but i'd like to read others experience about it too.
I'm in contact with some eBay sellers selling in other categories and no one understand. It's something mainly in the trading cards community... There is 52k persons in here. Some doing that are here! It's not normal. If you do an auction honor it!