Chronic Illness/Neurodivergence community - question for the group

Hey folks. This is a question for everybody in PGH who suffers from chronic physical or mental illness.

I (35F) deal with fibromyalgia, fatigue, ADHD, depression and anxiety. I work from home and don't get out of the house that much. But sometimes, understandably, I'm just desperate to get out and do something. But I'm always confronted with paralysis around not having a place to go that wouldn't just end up leaving me more mentally/physically drained.

Grocery - too loud/bright. Museums - bright and sometimes inaccessible due to pain; Library - bright, overwhelming sometimes, loud in some areas. Parking and driving always feels like a lot. I don't know if anybody can also relate to this, but the act of getting out of the house is sometimes all the energy I have, so when it comes to the actual driving/doing something, it's almost not even worth it!

So my ADHD brain gave me this idea and I wanted to know if it exists already/if this is something that would appeal to people.

What if there was a space that was built for us? A multipurpose space that was sensory friendly and gave us the ability to go somewhere, connect with each other, and not feel more exhausted at the end of it?

I'm imagining someplace that has a room with low, sensory friendly lighting, soft ambient music, comfortable seating. Folks could go there to read, quietly play games, have quiet conversation, meditate, stretch. Then there could also be a craft room that is still sensory friendly but allows for crafting/more lively activities and chatting and such. And maybe a small kitchen space for BYO tea and snacks.

The idea is to give us a space where we don't have to feel worse just so we can get out of the house.

Is this something that would appeal to you? What would you look for in a space like that? Any thoughts welcome but please keep them kind.

Edit: trolls, your attendance has been noted. You've taken a post that intended to create belonging and safety for a part of the pgh community and made it unsafe and unwelcoming. If your instinct is to be negative and dismissive then this thread isnt for you!