The job hunt

I’ve lived in Pittsburgh for quite a while and have been a freelance writer for some time.

About a year ago, I decided to take a contracted remote teaching job, and I made the mistake of pulling back on my other work for this job.

Long story short, I did not enjoy it, so now I’ve been looking for work out in the big, bad world of the PGH marketplace.

I have never had this much difficulty finding gigs or jobs in the past 8-10 years. Usually I can always pick something up on Craigslist or do background work for a movie or get a random writing job, but it’s been about 700 applications….

and nothing.

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Anything that has gotten back to me has been for wildly low pay. Like what I made in high school low. For full-time jobs.

I’m was just looking for an in-between gig until I publish a novel that I’m now shopping around for literary agents for — but I worry that I won’t even be able to find that, let alone a decent job to fall back on if need be.

I’m plenty capable, want to work, and enjoy learning new things, but if I’m going to be working one job for forty hours, it should be able to cover like a decent place’s rent.

Any advice?

Or anyone in the same boat and want to commiserate?

Or anyone need a copywriter, editor, or other more higher-level admin work? Or preferably — even though it’s a long-shot — some creative work or something in film?

I’m just at a loss for what to do next. I have an interview tomorrow but the pay is nowhere to be found, so I’m worried it’s another job that’s 40+ hours that won’t cover my bills.

What a strange world we are all residing in.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for listening. :)