Advice, can I wait a month
I have a big event coming up on the 30th of Nov. It includes a lot of moving around, dancing, etc. (Also comes with weekly practices that I need to attend) I recently discovered that I got a pilonidal cyst. Right now I don’t see an opening on it, doesn’t hurt, not even by touching it. It’s pretty much just a bump(around the size of a small gum ball /bigger pea i guess?), sometimes uncomfortable when I sit a specific way but can’t feel it day to day. I definitely want to get in touch and have it checked out by a doctor but I fear that they will cut it out/ drain it before the event and make me unable to go because of pain/recovery. Should I be fine if I just keep it clean, and take warm baths? Hopefully it won’t get infected by the end of the month. If not and I’m done with said event I’ll have it looked at. TLDR: Can I just live with it for the month until I have the ability to do a normal recovery?