Storing my e-bike outside
I've posted here in the past about how my condo is kind of a pain to get my bike in and out of. I've been toying with the idea of storing it outside on the street. Unfortunately there's nothing I can really lock it to in our parking lot.
It's a Lectric XP 3.0 ebike. There are a few bike racks in front of my place on Frankford. There's also some sign posts on the street behind my condo.
If I lock it up outside overnight with a Kryptonite u-lock, what's the real likelihood it gets stolen? Is there any way I could mitigate it some?
I would probably still bring it inside during shitty weather.
EDIT: A couple people suggested anchors, which I hadn't thought of. Probably can get one of those into our parking lot even if we don't have room for full racks. Thanks folks.