Increased Illness?

I got sick two weeks ago, pretty severely, after everyone in my company was forced back to 5 days a week. Then everyone in my family proceeded to get sick with a similar illness as are many of my coworkers (same symptoms). It lasted generally for 5 days with a lagging cough ever since. Now I am sick again with severe diarrhea. I haven’t been sick since before the pandemic. I have all my vaccinations and am up to date and live a fairly healthy lifestyle (I could eat more vegetables).

I am hearing from other extended family members that they are going through the same thing and also other friends from other areas experiencing the same. Other than the measles outbreak In the country, I haven’t heard anything from the news or government agencies.

Is anyone else experiencing an uptick in illness in Philly? Is anyone else feeling like something else is going on? I will be heading to the doctor on Monday to get diagnosed, but just wanted to get a feel for if this is just something going around or if there is something more to be worried about.

UPDATE: went to Patient First. They confirmed there is a lot of Flu and Norovirus going around and it has been higher than normal. Imodium, fluids, and if it persists until Monday come back for a stool sample. Tested negative for Flu and Covid. They did bloodwork and other than dehydration, everything else checks fine. I am very privileged to have health insurance and access to good local healthcare.