Taking the high road and letting toxic parents orchestrate their own downfall
Okay, so a group of 4-5 mothers have actively tried to exclude my 8 year old daughter. Their children are her best friends. The children love my daughter and when she comes to school they all run towards her to hug her and say hello.
Basically she’s the popular girl in class and she dislikes all the attention, but it gives her the power to stop bullying. And she does. She has refused to play with anyone who bullies and made an effort to play with the kids being bullied. So the bullying in her class has more or less stopped amongst the girls.
However some of the mothers have taken a dislike to her or perhaps me. So they have refused to invite her and one other girl from their group (whose mother I’m friends with) to events like birthdays. Despite their own kids literally begging for them to invite my daughter. She has also been invited once and the child’s mother told the child to disinvite her.
There’s always an excuse for them to say no to play dates.
Despite this the kids are still friends.
I have chosen to take the high road. So I always tell the girls when they ask that they’re always welcome at my place. Sometimes they have asked me to call their parents as they know they don’t have plans and I have done so and told them that unfortunately their parents said no. When they’ve asked why I tell them to ask their parents.
A couple of times these parents have actively chosen for their kid to be the only one left at after school care rather than coming home with us.
My daughters birthday is coming up. I asked her how she wanted to celebrate and with whom. She chose her friends.
I texted and asked for a play date. Not mentioning that it was her birthday or that I was taking them to the most popular indoor playground that’s quite expensive.
All had excuses apart from my friends daughter. After they declined I answered: oh, what a shame. We were going to go to this playground. Your daughter really seemed to want to go and couldn’t remember any plans. She must have forgotten.
One backtracked. I know for a fact that the others have had huge tantrums at home. I’m guessing this along with everything else is making their kids lose all respect for their parents. I hear from my daughter that her friends are growing more and more resentful of their mothers. I mean this is the sort of thing they will never forget or forgive. I have of course told the children what a shame it is and I would have loved for them to come.
In 2-3 years their mothers will no longer hold any power over who they play with or where. I’m guessing I’m going to be seeing their kids a lot more than they will. And I will go out of my way to display good behaviour. Like I continue to encourage in my daughter.
EDIT: I have been told to add this: while I don’t know if this is the reason and I truly hope not. These mothers are all single mothers. As am I. I used to date a single father whose daughter goes to a different class for a couple of years. He cheated on me. I dumped him. I haven’t told anyone including my friends who have kids at the same school, because I didn’t want any gossip affecting his daughter. However I have seen these women fawning over him and throwing themselves at him before and after the breakup. They can have him for all I care. However I highly doubt that they’re his type or stand any chance. But if they are the best of luck to them. They will need it.