What are your best sleeper cards?

yes, yes, “OoH LoOK At THiS GuY RatINg CarDS, SoOOOo UnInTELligeNT”, but anyways, what’s your favourite sleeper card? Criteria for sleeper cards: Generally should not be a meta/high-used card, except if it’s a meta/high-used card on a very unique build, if not, doesn’t count. Generally should be a low-used card (i.e. not many people have said card, therefore low usage, read above for high-used cards and meta) Could be an underrated card, like a few Ronaldo cards I’ve seen (the guy’s cards are decent under the right player imo) If you have a dynamic duo or trio (hell, even a full squad is good) post all of them here! That’s it! Post and let’s see what teams we can build without the meta!