What did you do when someone has stolen fruit from your trees?
Hi everyone. I wanted to get some opinions or ideas on what other people have done. When I arrived home this evening I noticed that all of the mangoes on my tree were gone. I checked my security cameras and some guy in an electric scooter came right up to my tree and picked of all the mangoes (16!), including the unripe ones. He then stole a pot plant to put the mangoes in! I realise that mangoes aren't the most expensive thing but I have spent a lot of time looking after my tree and the enjoyment from the fruits of my labour were literally stolen from me. I have the whole theft on video too! And what's worse, I think it might have been my neighbour. The guy rents his place out to students and I think it might be one of them. The street I live on is not a street you would go down unless you lived on it, so I suspect it's someone who is familiar with the street and my tree. This happened in the suburb I live in next to Riverton. If this has happened to you, what did you do, and what have you done to protect yourself in the future?